Saturday, April 5, 2014

Talking to Your Kids About Drug Addiction

Parents have a lot of responsibilities and the most important is to ensure that communication about difficult subjects like substance abuse, alcohol, smoking etc should occur. The easy access to street drugs makes it crucial that you are able to provide the environment to talk that will protect your child from using illicit substances. Following are some tips on how to talk to kids about drugs:

Start Early: Unfortunately children are exposed to the idea of alcohol or smoking through movies, technology and media. Sometimes the lives of people who children view as "heroes" in society are using drugs and their behaviors can easily be misinterpreted as being acceptable. The easy availability has also allowed even elementary kids to have access to them. The best thing to do is to being talking about choices when children are young rather than waiting until they are in high school and might actually be facing problems.

Know the Resources & Help your Child: There are several ways that you can gain knowledge and support regarding these harmful substances. The internet is a good place to get information and it will also provide you with a number of local organizations that provide individual or group training opportunities as well as support. 

Develop Strategies: Peer pressure is a very powerful thing and children often do what others suggest out of fear or because they want to be accepted. It is therefore important that you help your child to think of ways to say "no" and have other options available to them. Role-play conversations with them and ensure that they have resources available to call on when they are needed.

Visit at; Drug Free Pennsylvania’s program ‘Straight talk for parents’ is educating parents about signs, symptoms and facts of teenage substance abuse. We assist you in the development of communication skills to speak and listen to your children about substance abuse. We organize various events and seminars to raise awareness and promote a healthy environment. Join DFPA to learn conversation starters to foster a healthy and meaningful conversation with your kid.

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